Lasting Powers of Attorney
No-one knows what is around the corner and no-one likes to think about what happens if they are unable to manage their affairs.
A Lasting Power of Attorney allows you to appoint a trusted relative, friend or professional person to look after your affairs should you lose some degree of capacity due to old age, illness, or through an accident.
You are only able to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney whilst you are mentally able, and the alternative route of a Financial Deputy being appointed by the Court of Protection where someone has already lost capacity is often expensive and time consuming.
For Enquiries, Please call: 0208 848 9988
We all hope we are never in a position where we are unable to manage our affairs and look after ourselves, but a Lasting Power of Attorney is a convenient “insurance policy” which will make matters so much easier should you lose capacity.
There are two Lasting Powers of Attorney which you can prepare, one for Property & Finance and one for Health & Welfare.
To prepare one Lasting Power of Attorney document we charge £500 plus VAT at 20% of £100 therefore totalling £600 and if you require us to prepare both Lasting Powers of Attorney documents we charge £900 plus VAT at 20% of £180 therefore totalling £1080.In addition is the Office of the Public Guardian registration fee of £82 for each Power of Attorney.
There may be cases where additional costs apply.
Probate Team and Support Staff